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Training Evaluation Form

Staff Training Need Analysis for Cyber Security Training Program

All employees need to have annual refresher training on all aspects of Cyber Security. This document is designed to act as a guide when training is being planned.


1. Which Unit do you work in?

2. Please indicate how long you have worked in your organization?

3. Your current job role?

4. List of training you have receive in the last two years?

Knowledge Areas:

No knowledge / Experience Emerging Skills Some Competencies Exhibited Consistently Demonstrates Competence Fully Competent-Leadership Demonstrated
1. Information Security
2. Network Security
3. Incident Handling
4. Cryptography
5. IT Risk Management
6. Information Security Management System – ISO 27001
7. Network Security Assessment
8. Web Application Security Assessment
9. Secure Programming
10. Computer Forensic
11. Email Security
12. Cloud Security
13. Data Security

14. Please specify the areas of your job in which you would like to receive further training. *

