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Global Ace

CyberSecurity Malaysia latest initiative, with the support of the Malaysian Government, in collaboration with local professional training providers and local academia introduces a cyber security skills improvement project known as the Global ACE Certification Upskilling Programme.

This project integrates Global ACE Certification professional trainings, certification, and lifelong learning plans through Global ACE Certification membership. Participants are recognized under the Global ACE Certification in line with international standards when they pass the certification examination.

The main aspiration of Global ACE Certification membership is to stimulate cognitive skills that can be shared. This membership allows participants to continuously increase their respective cyber security capacity. Lifelong learning programs will be introduced throughout the year, where members can take the opportunity to expand their knowledge, enhance existing abilities and train new skills at their own pace. Thus, it provides an opportunity for members to share knowledge, expertise, and skills, identify latest cyber threats as well as appropriate mitigation methods.

The training, examination, and membership fee are waived. In addition, participants who pass the certification examination are eligible to apply as Professional Technologies or Certified Technicians from the Malaysia Board of Technologists (MBOT) under the Technologist and Technicians Act 2015 (Act 768), subject to MBOT terms and conditions.


  • To cultivate a competent workforce working towards a consistent and high-quality level of service;
  • To provide workforce with the appropriate Knowledge and Skills according to current needs, heading towards the Industrial Revolution 4.0;
  • To foster the development of a globally recognized Malaysian professional certification program; and
  • To create quality and competitive local professional program developers and providers.

Learning Outcomes

At the end of the program, the participant will be able :

  1. To build and maintain a comprehensive awareness and competence programme, as part of an organisation’s information security programme;
  2. To design and implement data protection policy for the organization to manage the data risk exposures;
  3. To gain knowledge of Incident Response Methodology, processes and in-depth knowledge on how to integrate SOC processes with Incident Response processes and learn how to automate them as a single workflow;
  4. To learn ways to harden the network and systems thus securing the corporate network and systems; and
  5. To examine application source code vulnerabilities and demonstrate how the issues are exploited by attackers.


The following fees are waived:

  1. Cyber security professional certification trainings;
  2. Professional examination* by Global ACE Certification; and
  3. Global ACE Certification Membership.

*to be conducted in separate session

Target Participants

  1. Educators from Institutions of Higher Learning (IHL).
  2. Working adults from:
    • Small & medium enterprises.
    • Multi-national corporations.
    • Government-linked corporations.
    • Government sectors.
  3. Freelance technical trainers.
  4. Post-graduates.

